I hate it when Blogger hangs in the middle of my post and I lost half an hour of hard work to nothing. And the recover post function never work also.
Nvm, I will give it another try.
I watched 雪狼湖, a.k.a Snow Wolf Lake last night. That's right, The one with Jacky Cheung starring as the lead. Heehee. So expensive some more. $170+ for 1 ticket.
Cultural stuff leh.
Guojun level up!! [plays FF7 level up music]
Guojun's culture points +3!! Wahaha.
The date for the evening is
Miss E. It all started more than 2 months ago, when she said that she wanted to watch the show (cos her idol is Jacky Cheung) but she cannot find anybody to go with her. So, being the gentleman that I am, I offered to watch with her. Plus I like Jacky Cheung also.
In return, she will be my girlfriend for one day. Wahaha.
Guojun clicks "Save as Draft" button.As usual, she arrived 10 minutes later than the 7pm rendevous time, in a nice floral blue dress. We had Mac at the Kallang MRT before going to the Indoor Stadium. Or rather, we bought Mac and ate while I was driving there. I have the ability to eat and drive at the same time!!! Wahaha.
We arrived at the stadium at about 7.40 but by the time, the carpark is almost full. Thank God we manage to find a parking lot though it's a little far from the Indoor stadium. We went in at 8.00pm sharp and by the time we went to the toilet, found our seats and settle down, it's already 8.20pm. Heehee, whenever I see the queue outside the female toilet outside cinemas (or in this case the Indoor Stadium), I thank God that I can pee standing. Wahaha.
Guojun clicks "Save as Draft" button again.
The show starts at about 8.30. The opening was the familiar
不老的传说 followed by some upbeat songs. But then after that it gets a bit slow and draggy, redeemed only by the climatic
爱是永恒 at the ending. Overall, I felt that the story was a bit slow and was I wished Jacky had sung more. But still ok lah. Got to hear my favourite song,
爱是永恒 in its actual context.
爱是永恒 is SO going to be my wedding song! Wahaha
And for the record, Miss E really become my girlfriend for the evening, but we broke up after that. Cos she always come late when we meet. Cannot stand it. Haha.
Guojun clicks "Publish post" button.