Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

I want to thank Sister Jiahui for watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose with me. I think it is a good show.

Note: Some spoilers ahead

But I must confess, I closed my eyes at all the scary parts. Wahaha. Basically, I enjoyed the movie because it showed that even though the "facts" showed that Emily's death could be caused by the priest, the people still believed in him because of his sincerity and love for Emily.

The implicit intent of the movie, based on the true story, was partly to suggest the existence of devils and demons, and I think the movie had done quite well. It puts the reality of demon possesions in lifesize manifestations and I believe it will be etched deep into the minds of those who have watched them.

Personally, I believed in the supernatural. I believed that the supernatural exist. When I was younger, I "studied" vampires, werewolves and such and read up anything supernatural available. Now, I just read the Bible. Heehee.

There is a lot of after-thoughts since I come out from the cinema. Thoughts which I will need time to process and think through. If I got time I will blog my conclusions.

But now, I just want to hit the sack.... And pray that I dun wake up at 3am...


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