Sunday, November 21, 2004

I'm Fat

I sat on my butt all day today.

1. I sat on my butt while I was blogging
2. I sat on my butt while I was chatting on Msn and Icq
3. I sat on my butt while I was playing online games
4. I sat on my butt while I was playing my guitars
5. I sat on my butt while I was eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
6. I sat on my butt while I was watching television

With all the inputs and little output, (except through my butt) I am getting fatter and fatter through the weekends. I discovered, much to my horror, that I had to go down another notch while wearing my belt yesterday.

It is a day of daunting revelation. And it calls for drastic measures.

I have the following few options:

a) Xtreme, Xando, Tummy Trim
b) Girdle (as inspired by Miss Xiaxue)
c) Intense exercise
d) Strict dieting
e) Liposuction

After careful consideration, I decide on option c) and d) .

Because it is the Man thing to do...

Plus it is also cheaper...

Therefore, as a guide, I have come up with my 10 Commandments to weight loss

1. Thou shall run at least 5km 3 times per week
2. Thou shall swim at least 2 times per week
3. Thou shall go to gym at least 3 times per week
4. Thou shall not eat more than 3 meals a day
5. Thou shall not eat anymore ice-cream
6. Thou shall not eat anymore chocolate
7. Thou shall not eat anymore oily and fattening food
8. Thou shall not eat anymore fast food
9. Thou shall not sit on butt all day
10. Thou shall do each and everything written above

Wow!!! That’s a difficult list to follow. Let's see how many I can keep. For the sake of my figure, I shall attempt to stick to them as much as possible.

Pray that I can make it!!!


Blogger FF said...

I am gaining weight too! Need to exercise more. Shall we go blading or swimming soon? I need motivation.

10:47 pm  
Blogger Guojun said...

Whoa! Thats a fast reply... Sure babe, But I'm not a blading person... probably I will just jog... I'm fine with swimming... as long as you dun wear any rapable stuff...

10:54 pm  

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