Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Still Sick

I havent been blogging as much as I promised or wanted to. For that, I apologised. There are several issues which I wanted to but have not blogged. Like the thoughts, events, experience and aftermath of my journey in Lijiang, my church's big move, my involvement with the SM2s and the Christmas party which I went to last Sunday.

Maybe I just run through the events since I came back from Lijiang.

Come back from LJ, 1st thing is the Big Move of my church on 11th Dec.

After that is back to work work work....

Block Leave starts last friday but I had been sick ever since.

Saturday was spent at Sentosa with some SM2 (Senior-Middle 2 from China).

Sunday was church service (our church service moved to sunday now) where I saw Gabrielle. After that we went to the Christmas party organised by the cell group, where we had a lot of fun.

Wanted to rest a bit on monday but end up out the whole day. Watch Peharps Love with Sista Jiahui in the evening.. Wanted to watch Aeonflux but we couldn't find a good timing or location. But we enjoyed Paherps Love more, I think. I thought it was a great show.

Oh ya, I also sold 2 of my guitars on monday. Both for $50!!! Wahaha. Actually it was quite a bad bargain. Originally they cost a couple of hundreds each. But I have no use for those 2 anymore and there is no point keeping them. Might as well sell it. Anyway, can't blame the buyer cos the condition of the guitars is really really bad. BTW, I sold them to this shop that deals with 2nd hand guitars at Penisula Plaza. Sometimes can get some good bargains there.

That's all for now. Still quite sick so I need more rest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bro.
i think it's a great show too! thanks for watching wif me when u r soooo sick!! drink warm water k!

u go rest more n rest well k! =)

5:41 pm  

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